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Global MFG - Oct 14, 2021

China's growing power crunch threatens more global supply chain chaos

A growing power supply crunch in China 触发家庭停电,迫使工厂减产,是吗, 这可能会减缓该国庞大的经济,并给全球供应链带来更大的压力.

该国工业中心地带的公司已被告知限制能源消耗,以减少电力需求, state media has reported. And supply has been cut to some homes, reportedly even trapping people in elevators.
周一,一场“意想不到的、前所未有的”停电袭击了东北三省, according to the Global Times, a state-run tabloid. The newspaper reported Tuesday that power rationing in Heilongjiang, 吉林和辽宁“对人们的日常生活和商业运作造成了重大干扰."

Jill Disis | cnn.com
#china #economy #supplychain
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