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Global MFG - Jul 21, 2023

Dead EV Batteries turn to gold with US incentives

Nick Carey, Paul Lienert, Victoria Waldersee | Reuters

POOLE, England, July 21 (Reuters) - A little-publicized clause in the U.S. 《威尼斯人平台注册送38元》(Inflation Reduction Act)促使北美各公司争相回收电动汽车电池, 将该地区置于削弱中国在该领域主导地位的全球竞赛的前沿.

IRA包括一项条款,自动对在美国回收的电动汽车电池材料进行认证.S. 作为美国制造的补贴,无论其来源如何. 这一点很重要,因为它使汽车制造商有资格使用美国标准.S.-recycled battery materials for EV production incentives.

路透社采访了十多位行业官员和专家,他们表示,这将开启一场美国经济危机.S. factory building boom, 鼓励汽车制造商研究更多的可回收电池, 并可能最终使发展中国家的买家更难购买旧的二手电动汽车.

中国处理了全球市场中几乎所有的电动汽车电池回收,预计将从2022年的110亿美元增长到2028年的180亿美元, according to research firm EMR. 随着越来越多的电动汽车被引入市场并逐渐淡出人们的生活,这一业务将会增长.


The minerals in those batteries - primarily lithium, cobalt and nickel - are worth on average between 1,000 euros ($1,123) to 2,000 euros per car, BMW (BMWG.DE) sustainability chief Thomas Becker told Reuters.

随着汽车制造商提高电动汽车产量,这些材料可能在几年内出现供应短缺, 但是“可以被无限次回收而不会失去它们的力量。," said Louie Diaz, 他是加拿大电池回收公司Li-Cycle的副总裁 (LICY.N), which received a $375 million U.S government loan for a New York plant slated to open later this year. 迪亚兹说,这笔资金帮助推动了工厂的投资决策.

JB斯特劳贝尔,红木材料公司的首席执行官,该公司被授予 $2 billion U.S. government loan 今年2月,该公司将在内华达州建立一个电池材料回收和再制造综合体, 爱尔兰共和军将回收的电池材料视为当地“城市开采”,“或者从废料中回收而不是从采矿中获得的材料.

That has encouraged U.S. 公司在回收方面的行动要比欧盟同行更快, which has focused instead on mandates, 包括在未来的电动汽车电池中尽量减少回收材料.

Recycling firms Ascend Elements, Li-Cycle和其他公司正计划在未来几年在欧洲建立工厂, 但获得资金和“美国制造”的激励意味着几家美国公司将在美国上市.S. plants are already being built.

“它(IRA)所做的是改变电池材料的需求方程式," said Mike O'Kronley, CEO of Ascend Elements, 该公司已经在乔治亚州开设了一家回收厂,并根据基础设施法获得了能源部近5亿美元的拨款,用于在肯塔基州开设一家工厂,计划于2023年底开业. "We need to keep those valuable materials... so we can put them right back into EVs."

建立“闭环供应链”的竞赛已经开始,在这种供应链中,回收的矿物被投入到当地生产的新电池中, said Christian Marston, chief technology officer at Altilium Metals, 该公司正在保加利亚建一家工厂,并计划于2026年在英国建一家.

“每个人都想控制自己的供应链,没有人想依赖中国人," he said.

However, China still leads the race, 上个月宣布了更严格的标准,并增加了对回收商的研究支持. After passage last year of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, 中国官员称该法案是“反全球化的”,并指责美国政府在“反全球化”方面采取了行动.S. of "unilateral bullying."


Globally, there are at least 80 companies involved in EV recycling, with more than 50 startups attracting at least $2.7 billion, virtally all in the last six years, from corporate investors including automakers, battery makers and mining giants like Glencore (GLEN.L), according to PitchBook.com data.

到2030年,可回收的电动汽车电池数量将增长10倍以上, said consultant Circular Energy Storage. Around 11.2022年,3千兆瓦时(GWh)的电池寿命结束, 到2030年,这一数字将上升到138gwh——大约相当于1.5 million EVs - CES said.

Electric vehicle batteries can last for 10 years or more.


There is little existing U.S. recycling capacity today, and virtually none in Europe.

At a facility in Poole in southern England, 汽车拆解公司Charles Trent已经建立了两条生产线,工人们在这里拆解失事的汽车或旧车,回收所有的东西. It has built special containers for EV batteries, 它们被卖给研究或被改装者用于化石燃料汽车的电气化, partly because there is nowhere to recycle them.

In Europe, 目前,电动汽车电池被粉碎成“黑团”,运往中国进行回收.



"The one who gets the highest yield at the lowest cost ... will win this game," said Bruno Thompson, CEO of Cambridge, England-based startup The Battery Recycling Company, which plans its first plant in 2024.

总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯的Ecobat公司在欧洲和美国粉碎电池.S. for recycling elsewhere, 是否改进了其回收过程,使大约70%的电池锂可用于回收, said chief commercial officer Thea Soule.


获得更好的产量很重要,因为欧盟将强制规定回收锂的最低数量, cobalt and nickel in EV batteries within eight years. 欧盟还将对欧洲以外的回收施加严格的条件.

Those conditions will effectively keep recycling local, said Kurt Vandeputte, senior vice president at Belgian materials firm Umicore (UMI.BR).      


此外,汽车行业还担心如何找到可以回收的旧电动汽车. Today, 在任何地方,高达30%的欧洲老旧化石燃料汽车在海外消失——被发展中国家的新车主或报废. 一些汽车制造商正试图弄清楚如何密切关注这些电动汽车.

Nissan (7201.T) 已转向在日本租赁电动汽车以保持对电池的控制,而中国电动汽车制造商蔚来 (9866.HK) leases batteries to customers to retain ownership.


宝马可持续发展主管贝克尔表示,电池材料的价值有望使回收利用比向海外销售汽车更具吸引力, 但欧洲必须专注于确保这些电动汽车电池不会流失.

"We've got to make sure we lose nothing," Becker said.

($1 = 0.8902 euros)

Reporting By Nick Carey in Poole, England, Paul Lienert in Detroit and Victoria Waldersee in Berlin, editing by Ben Klayman and Claudia Parsons

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